I am an amateur photographer and had been a member of Cranleigh Camera Club for over thirty years, prior to my move from Surrey to Crowborough eighteen years ago. I was a member of Tonbridge Camera Club for around ten years, (www.tonbridgecameraclub.org.uk) but now a member of Hailsham Photographic Society (www.hailshamphotographicsociety.co.uk).
I have had a keen interest in photography for nearly 60 years having processed my own prints in monochrome and colour until my transition into digital photography around twenty years ago.
I currently use only Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max. Using Photos and Affinity Photo software on the Macintosh platform for image adjustments, I print my photographs in monochrome and colour on an Epson P600 ink jet printer using light-fast inks and materials supplied by Marrutt Digital, Polegate.
My main interests are landscape and travel photography, and creating digital audio-visual sequences. Please contact me if you would like a presentation for a local organisation.
I especially enjoy the varied photographic opportunities available in and around the Ashdown Forest area and East Sussex. I of course also enjoy the picturesque aspects of our world in general.
If you would like to make any comments please feel free to contact me by email or telephone.